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Monday 7 November 2011

My first thoughts and concerns and how they came to be...

About the time that Obama was running for president, I started paying a little more attention to the American elections than in the past. I was still very disappointed in the fact that Georgie Jr. had been elected for a second term despite his reign of idiocy the first time around. I really questioned the intelligence of the typical American citizen. How was it that they could be so blind as to elect him again!? Being a Canadian, I knew enough about what he'd done to know how ridiculous a thing is was for him to have another four years in office. So, I wondered why the average American (who actually lives in the U.S.) couldn't see him for what he really was. "Americans must be idiots" was my conclusion and my opinion for the next four years. 

So now, we had this new candidate. A candidate that I'd never heard of. A candidate that was being promoted as the new Kennedy. It was a literal comparison to the point of (after his election) issuing a coin with both of their likenesses engraved on it. A commemorative coin showing how noble this new "revolutionary" leader was. He was America's first black president and the whole world (myself included) was very happy to see that we lived in a world where becoming president didn't depend on ethnicity. I fell for the Obama scam. I'm thinking that almost everyone did. We had no choice really. I, as did many others, still depended on the mainstream media to form my opinions and my informers were telling me that we were witnessing the election of a man who would change all of the things that were wrong with the United States and not just the U.S. but, the world. He was going to fix the whole planet! Sound's ridiculous saying it now, but I really was convinced...and relieved. This man was going to right all of the wrongs that the Bush and Clinton administrations had blundered. He was going to make people accountable. He was going to bring home the troops. End the wars. He was going to close Guantanamo...He was going to do everything but come to your house and give your dog a bath. 

Of course, he didn't do any of these things. Anything that Dubya had screwed up..Obama only made much, much worse. What Obama did accomplish though, was a global awakening to the true nature of politics in the USA and how those politics affect the rest of the world. His crash course in destroying liberties and seizing communist control over the U.S. is already historical, and he's far from done.

About 6 months (this is a guess) after Obama was elected, a friend sent me a link to a film that along with some other films and documentation, changed my view of the world forever. The Obama Deception is a good place for you to start if you would like to understand why it is that I feel the way that I do. (also posted above)

I will at this time, leave you with this film. I would appreciate any comments from new viewers and people who are familiar with this material alike. 
I would also like to thank my friend ~Bella Maria~ for her encouragement to start this blog. 
I intend to use this forum to go further into the reasons for my interest in politics and also to comment and provide links regarding current events as they unfold. Canada, the U.S. and the rest of the world is on the verge of a big change. Whether that change will be a positive one or not, still remains to be seen. 

Nice to meet you!

~Neo Sapien ©2011

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